Privacy and Policy

Privacy and Policy of Flightticketsales

Welcome to! We are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring you have a positive experience while using our website or any of our services. To make you familiar with our privacy and policy, how we collect, store, and use your data, your rights, and more, we have curated this Privacy Policy page.

Here, you will get to know—

  • Do we use Cookies?
  • What information do we get from you?
  • Why do we gather it?
  • How is it put to use?
  • When and with whom do we share your personal data about you?

Cookies and Similar Technologies uses cookies to enhance your browsing experience by letting our website remember you. Cookies are small files that are generally stored on your device to track, collect, and store some relevant and crucial information about your interactions with our website. We use cookies for purposes such as:

  • To analyze our website traffic and usage patterns, so that we can know where improvement is needed.
  • Let our website understand users’ preferences on their recent browsing activities.
  • Facilitating logins and account management.

By using our website, you consent to the use of cookies in accordance with this Privacy Policy. You can manage your cookie preferences through your browser settings, and if you need to disable it, you can simply do so by contacting our customer service team.

Information We Gather From You-

To provide services seamlessly, customers on our site may be asked for some personal and travel-related information. This includes-

  • Your First and Last Name.
  • Contact Details.
  • Payment preferences and other details.
  • Travel details.
  • Other details that may be required for booking or management process.

In addition, we also automatically collect information about your device, including;

  • Your IP address
  • Browser type
  • Operating system
  • Browsing patterns
  • Aggregated Data

How We Use Your Information?

The information, both personal and non-personal, that we gather from you is used in the following ways:

  • To process and fulfill your flight booking requests.
  • To make adjustments to your travel plans upon your request.
  • Sending you the latest deals and offers going on.
  • For sending booking confirmations and updates to you.
  • For the improvement of our website and services based on your feedback and usage patterns.
  • To customize offers and content for you and make your experience better.

Why do we need your information?

We are a third-party flight service provider, so if you do not gather your information, we are unable to fulfill your request for a flight reservation or adjust your existing bookings. Your personal data assists us in obtaining the data needed to fulfill the criteria. Moreover, it also lets us establish contact with you so we can send you the most recent news and alerts regarding airfare, trip packages, and other offers.

Data Security

We prioritize the security of personal information or other relevant data that we gather from our users or customers. Therefore, we implement robust security measures and several appropriate and best technical measures to protect all. This prevents unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. We only share your data when it is necessary.

When do we share your personal information?

We do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer any of your personal or non-personal information to third parties without your consent except as described in this Privacy Policy or required by law. We may share your information only with the following:

  • Service providers who assist us in operating our website and providing services to you.
  • Partner with airlines and travel providers to fulfill your booking requirements.
  • Legal authorities if required, to comply with legal obligations or protect our rights.
  • Processing is necessary for the contract between you and us or for lawful interests.
  • If essential for prompt action, in circumstances of natural disasters, medical emergencies, and breakdowns of law and order.

Know- What Your Rights?

You have the right to:

  • Know how your data is processed.
  • Establishing contact with our dedicated and knowledgeable customer service agents.
  • Access and review your personal information by contacting us.
  • Request corrections to any inaccuracies in your information.
  • Request to delete all the information that we have stored or collected from you during bookings.
  • Raise objection or complaint upon processing of your information for marketing purposes without your consent.

Children’s Privacy

Flightticketsales does not collect personal information from children under 18 and prohibits their use of its services. All reservations for flights made by minors or children under 18 must be made by their parents or legal guardians.

Changes/Updates to This Privacy & Policy Statement:

We may update or amend this Privacy & Policy from time to time or any time with respect to any lawful or legal requirements as well as advancement in tech. If there’s any change or update is made, you will be notified through e-mail at your registered email address. But still, you should review this page periodically for any updates. You can check the last update of our Privacy and Policy statement by looking at the “Last Updated” date at the top of this statement.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, concerns, or complaints about our Privacy Policy left in your mind or our practices regarding your personal information, please contact us at our official mail address or on your toll-free lines.

Protecting your privacy is important to us at We commit to responsibly and transparently handling and storing your personal information. By using our website, you allow us to collect and use your information as described in this Privacy Policy.

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